Capel Parish Notes For June

Public Meeting at 7pm on 22nd June: The Neighbourhood Development Plan is now progressing towards the formal community consultation which is planed for the end of june. A hard copy of the draft plan will be sent to all householders in the Parish for a 6-week consultation. The plan will also be available online. The Steering Group and Parish Council recognise that this will form an important part of the process leading up to the formal submission of the plan to Mole Valley District Council and a subsequent submission to The Planning Inspectorate prior to a referendum later in the year. To ensure everyone understands the content of the draft plan and how to respond, a public meeting will take place at Capel Memorial Hall on Wednesday 22nd June starting at 7pm. The plan will be explained with the aid of a Power Point presentation and copies of the response form will be provided as a guide in advance of the publication of the draft plan. The purpose of the meeting will be to explain the draft plan but not to debate its content at that stage.

Ongoing complaints about dog mess on Capel Recreation Ground are receiving weekly. It is nasty stuff to get on your shoes and it can be dangerous to children. Anyone walking their dog and not carrying a bag to pick up their dog’s mess can be fined on the spot. If you walk your dog in the dark, please take a torch so you can clear up the mess. CCTV cameras are being sourced currently in response to vandalism of structures on the Recreation Ground and other illegal activities.

If you have any problems with aircraft noise from the new Gatwick flight path you may register your complaint during the current 6-month consultation period by emailing Gatwick Airport. or calling Freephone 0800 393 070.

Mrs Lesley Bignell

Clerk to Capel Parish Council

01306 712447