Capel Military Vehicle Show 2016

This year’s Capel Military Vehicle Show comes to Aldhurst Farm Capel, RH5 5HJ on the 2nd and 3rd July.

It will feature an RAF Chinook helicopter, a historic Westlands Wasp, Military Vehicles in action and Tank firing & Car Crushing. There will also be battle re-enactments, a 4×4 Military Auto Jumble and much more. Open Saturday 10-5pm and Sunday 10-4pm.

Admission Adults £6. Children and Veterans £3, Fmaily (2×2) £15.

On Saturday evening there will be music and dancing. Food and a fully licensed bar including “An Evening with the Dolly Mixtures” £5 7 – Midnight.

Capel Cricket Club

We are underway in the Cricket with matches starting from under 8s right through to the adult sections. There is plenty going on with both Cricket and the Pavilion so here are a few notes to keep you all informed.

Colts Tournament:
Our Annual Colts Tournament takes place on Sunday 19th June on the rec. There will be over I 00 young cricketers playing 6 a side cricket so please come along and watch. As ever the BBQ will be going and there will be Teas available and of course the bar will be open. This really is a great day and we would welcome any support. There is no charge to enter the recto come and watch.

I am after bottles please as we are running a Bottle tombola at the Tournament and then another one jointly with the Horticultural Society at the village show. As long as it is in a bottle and is in date I would like it please.

The next Dine and Bingo is on Tuesday 14th June. Doors open at 7.00PM with “Eyes Down” at 7:30. The evening costs £I 0.00 and covers all of your Bingo and a 2 course meal. There are Cash Prizes to be one and an optional raffle. Can’t express what a good night this is and we have players from I0 up to 80+ playing so why not come and join the fun. Bring your own drink if you fancy a glass of wine etc.

BARN DANCE – A reminder that the Barn Dance is on in the Marquee after the Village Show. The Band are booked and we are ready to go. I will publish ticket details next month but please keep the date free.

CAPEL’S GOT TALENT – As they say the show must go on and indeed it does.
This year it will take place in the Village Hall on Saturday 17th September. I am already getting one or two enquiries regarding entries so if you are a budding comic, singer, dance troop, ventriloquist etc. keep practising. Again I will publish ticket details and act entry information next month.

Remember if you fancy a pint and want to watch some cricket pop down to the club on a Saturday from about 5:30 onwards. The Bar will be open and Social Membership is only £5.00

Capel Open Gardens

Capel Open Gardens on Sunday 19th June are being held in aid of Alzheimer’s research uK.

The gardens will be open from 1pm to 5pm. The programmes, which will have a plan showing the Open gardens, will be available for £% in advance from Horticultural Society members, Patels Newsagents and Carters. The gardens will also have a supply of programmes. Participating gardens will be clearly marked with signs and balloons.

Refreshments will be available at Pond Cottage, Misbrooks Green and Chestnut House in The Street. Plants will be for sale in some of the gardens.


Capel Vicarage Fete 2016

In aid of our local schools. 

Saturday 26th June 2016: 12 -3pm @ The Vicarage, 54 The Street

It seems that Summer is almost here and where would be without our annual Vicarage Fete – part of the social scene, nestling inconspicuously between Wimbledon and Goodwood – and an opportunity to enjoy ourselves and support our local schools, especially through these difficult times. there will be the well-tried and practiced format with many old favourites and no doubt some new ones – including a “Knobbly Knees” Competition – so come along and sample the wares – great entertainment – culinary delights – great BBQ – fantastic Teas and a chance to buy or better still win those great little treasurers.

The dress theme for this year is “Teddy Bears” (very appropriate_ for both kids (and adults like!) so delve deep into your wardrobes and drawers and unearth those extravaganzas you have been saving all these years for this Royal Occasion!

They of course need o “attract” some of the produce to create and supplement this major production – this includes quality items of: Bottles – Books – CDs – Videos – Cakes – White Elephants! – in fact anything that you may not need but feel sure it would enhance someone else.

You can deposit any “gifts” at Scott Broadwood School, Capel – 01306 711181 or speak to Sarah Pusey 711692. Cakes to The Vicarage on the Saturday morning (before mid-day). Please continue to buy those Raffle Tickets – this is a very important part of the fund raising and affords you a better chance than the lottery!

Remember all monies go the Schools, Scott Broadwood, The Weald & Capel Pre-School.

Hope you see you there.

Andrew Forsyth

Shuffelboarding in the Village Hall

On Saturday 16th April, some 90 Capel folk came to grips with the game of shuffleboard in the Village Hall. You haven’t heard of it? Well, we soon discovered that practically everyone in the Hall was new to the game – but no problem. We soon grasped the rules and then we were off. Shuffleboard kept a group aged 4 to 87 involved and completely entertained for 3 hours. So how do you play shuffleboard? I’m not going to tell you because I’m hoping that another evening of shuffleboard will be on offer in the Hall and that next time you’ll shuffle along and join us. You are sure to enjoy it.

As a visitor to Capel,  had a wonderful evening. Many thanks to the organisers, helpers (of all ages!) and cooks for giving us such a great time.

(From my friend S.W)

Capel Cricket Club

By the time you read this hopefully the rain will have stopped and the ground dried out a bit. The Cricket Club are looking forward to the season so why not come along and have a look.

Social Membership is available at just £5.00 per person. The Bar is always open on a Friday evening and on Saturdays. Other nights dependent on games being played.

If you fancy a game please pop along. Adult training is on Wednesday evenings out on the rec.

We are running youth teams from Under 8 right through to under 14. Please let me know if you have a child who is interested or if you want to help out. Please contact me on 07841 373198.

Finally some dates for your diary:

  • Dine & Bingo is on the Village Hall every 2nd Tuesday of each month from 7pm.
  • Village Barn Dance in the Marquee after the Village Show on Saturday 20th August.
  • Capel’s Got Talent on Saturday 17th September in the Village Hall.

Capel Tennis Club – Free Family Open

Have you ever thought about playing tennis, but weren’t sure where to start?

Capel Tennis Club has 4 hard surface courts  on the recreation ground which we use all year round. We are a friendly village club and have a number of social tennis sessions during the week and also have teams in the local league.

We offer coaching for  juniors and adults wanting to learn or get back into the game.

A court is also available for public hire – £6.00 per hour- through Carters  Garage.

We are holding Free Family Open Sessions for anyone wanting to try  tennis or find out more about the club on the following dates. Racquets and balls available, just bring suitable shoes.

Saturday 9th April from  2- 4.30pm

Saturday 30th April from  2 – 4.30pm

Saturday 16th July from 2 – 4.30pm

For more information -see our website or call Dave Hall – 01306


Capel Pantomime – A Success

The Capel pantomime goes from  strength to strength, with  some of the very best audience feedback that we have ever had. This year’s tale, ‘Percy and the Holy Grail’ had audiences in stiches from the moment the lights went down until the finale. Not one of the more  usual pantomimes but this had a bit of innuendo, a lot of laughs, some amazing sound and lighting effects, dancing, singing and a fast paced script.

In any production, it’s lovely to have great audience feedback, the cast and crew had a lovely time, your feedback made the weeks of rehearsal all so worthwhile.

We opened with three performances in Capel, then our debut in Cranleigh (they enjoyed it so much they booked us for next year on the spot) and then closed with  three more  performances the following weekend in Ockley. The Ockley  shows were all “full houses”, word  had spread from the previous weekend!

This is now the third  joint production between Capel and Ockley  (having been established in Ockley for many years previously)  and our now not so new ploy of using talent from  the two  villages is working very well. We have the same cast and crew for all the performances, I’m delighted that the audience were met by such a friendly ‘front  of house’ crew, all of whom came from Capel, the technical brilliance was enhanced by help from those well-known Capel duo Phil and Mark (Musical festival and other events)and almost half the dancers were Capel children. We  were delighted to welcome Capel’s Doug Richardson to the cast too. Next year, we want to split the dance troupe into two: one for the younger children  but also to introduce a ‘senior troupe’  of teenager dancers to learn and perform  some more advanced dance routines, as an additional ‘wow’ feature. Whilst Capel is well represented ‘off-stage’ we would love to capture (whoops, I mean entice) more Capel adults onto stage. None of us are professionals but we all enjoy having a laugh and giving you a laugh too.

We’ll be back next year with  two  productions: another pantomime  in early New  Year and a musical

‘Oh  what a lovely war’ which has been put back a few months  (due to the clamour  for another  pants) in June 20 1 7.

Look out for news about the next pantomime  in the September Magazine; the dance auditions followed  by the pantomime  read through  are already scheduled: these will be at 2pm and 3pm on Sunday 9th October 2016 at Capel Memorial  Hall.

Alternatively, contact  the director, Martin Pratt on 0 1306 628 155

Burns Night 2016

Turns out there’s no such thing as “Dry January” in Capel as the village hall filled with party-goers  to celebrate Burns Night! Plenty of Haggis and whiskey was consumed which contributed to much highland fling. Huge thanks to the Soul Katz and “The  band with  no name,aka local residents Phil, Julia, Chris, Noel  and Tim with  their  special guest Clay, who provided  wonderful music and entertainment. Very special thanks to Claire and Paul Churchouse, Tiffany Dowling and

Mark Sugden-Best who worked tirelessly behind the scenes and finally to my wonderful Mums; Barbara and Jan who worked so hard in the kitchen. We  raised a fantastic £570 for Capel Pre School which is being spent on new resources  including new chairs for our youngest children.