There has been a Quaker presence in the village since the seventeenth century and the Meeting House was built in the eighteenth. It is probably one of the oldest buildings in the village. It is still in use as is the burial ground to the rear. Every Sunday morning at 11.0 a.m. there is a Meeting for Worship. There are some twelve or so participants, some of them Members of the society of Friends and some of them attenders or visitors. Anyone is welcome to join the Meeting. Quakers worship in silence, waiting on God. Ministry is offered when someone is moved to contribute. This can be in the form of prayer, bible reading or a general comment. After the Meeting a cup of tea is offered and there is time for general chat. The Quakers feel themselves to be at the heart of the village with their Meeting House in the centre of The Street. They have always been well supported by residents and this year in April they organised a ‘Sustainability’ Day to encourage concern for the environment. The Clerk of the Meeting is Janet Berry-Clarke whose telephone number is 01306 711 251.