[callout title=”Summer Show Schedule” buttontext=”Download Now” buttonlink=”http://issuu.com/ansfordinternet/docs/chs_2016_summer_schedule?e=9249732/36449380″]
Capel Horticultural Summer Show Schedule for 2016
How to become a member of the Society
Anyone wishing to exhibit at the shows must be a current member of the society. Membership must be renewed each year and expires on 31 December. You can renew or become a Member at the Spring Show, the Plant Sale or with the entry form for the Summer Show. The membership fee will again be reduced to encourage more entries for our shows. Membership: Adults, 50p; Children under 13, free. No membership cards will be issued as there will be no free entry to shows Admission price to shows will be as advertised (no concessions for members).
Annual General Meeting
This is held once a year when the Officials of the Society are elected and any matters concerning the Society can be discussed. (see Rules of the Society).
All members are very welcome to attend.
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