During the early 1960’s there existed a club known as the Capel Arts and Crafts Group, which included a section for photographers. In 1963 the members of the photographic section formed their own independent group, which they called The Capel Camera Club.
Since then the club has grown into a band of enthusiasts that practice the art of photography. We meet at Capel Village Hall on Wednesday evenings beginning in September and finishing in the following April with our annual dinner and awards evening.
We arrange some summer get-togethers to meet up at various local events or places of interest to develop our skills!
At Capel Camera Club we cater for the beginner as well as the advanced. We have various competitions held over the year in all aspects of photography – prints, transparencies and digital projection. We also have guest speakers who visit and give us talks on various subjects as well as demonstration/training sessions to help us use our equipment.
There is always room for new members. Anyone interested should contact us at info at capelcameraclub dot org dot uk, you will be most welcome.
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Text taken from capelcameraclub.org.uk