Nearly 10 years ago a few of us thought that there was a need in Capel to have a film show, especially during the autumn and winter months. We were fortunate in having Robert Arthur, FRPS, who is a keen cinema buff and photographer. When we started, with no funding and precious little money, we relied entirely on the enthusiasm and hard work of Robert and friends. The key was that Robert had a 16mm projector, and knew how to use it.
We started with quite an ambitious programme, showing the following films
Date |
Film |
Notes |
Sept 2nd |
Road to Morocco | Bob Hope & Bing Crosby comedy |
Oct. 7th |
African Queen | Dir: John Huston. Katherine Hepburn & Humphrey Bogart Col. 1951 |
Nov. 4th |
Vertigo | Dir: Alfred Hitchcock. James Stewart & Kim Novak. Col. 1958 |
Dec. 2nd |
It’s a Wonderful Life | Dir: Frank Capra. James Stewart B&W 1946 |
2004 |
Jan. 6th |
The Glenn Miller Story | Dir: Anthony Mann. James Stewart & June Allyson with support from Louis Armstrong & Gene Krupa |
Feb. 3rd |
Hasty Heart | Dir: Vincent Sherman. Richard Todd, Ronald Regan. 1949 |
Mar. 2nd |
Goodbye Mr. Chips | Dir: Sam Wood. Robert Donat & Greer Garson. B & W. 1939 |
Apr. 6th |
Singing in the rain | Gene Kelly stars & directs. Voted Top 10 of all time. Col. 1952 |
May 4th |
Carve her name with pride | Dir: Lewis Gilbert. Virginia McKenna. B & W. 1958 |
June 1st |
Brighton rock | Dir: John Boulting. Richard Attenborough. B& W. 1947 |
July 6th |
42nd Street | Dir: Lloyd Bacon. Warner Baxter & Bebe Daniels. Busby Berkley choreographs. |
As time went on, it became increasingly difficult to get any decent 16mm film. Apart from anything else, the huge three-reelers cost money and gave heart-stopping moments as to whether they would arrive in time, or not. So in 2005 we went digital, investing quite a bit of money in buying a second hand digital projector and all the electronic attachments to make it work. This meant that we had access to recently released films of much higher quality. Subsequently the equipment has been upgraded and with the help of the Village Hall Committee a much needed new screen has been installed. The organisation has gone from strength to strength. The last film, shown in October, attracted an audience of 76 which nearly fills the Memorial Hall. It is possible for people to have a good evening out in Capel enjoying a meal and a film for less than £10 per person, if they take up the offer of a curry from The Crown Inn who provide two curries for the price of one, on film nights. It is a very social event, with an intermission halfway through the film so that people can get a coffee or an ice cream and have a chat.