Capel’s Got Talent – Everyone’s talking about it!

To be held at Capel Recreation Ground on Saturday 16th August. Food and drink available from 7:15pm. Performances start a 7:45pm.

Last year’s winner was Katie who came from Dorking and brought her harp, playing beautifully to an enraptured audience. this year promises to deliver another great line up to provide a fantastic evening of entertainment for all.

To ensure you ge ta ticket please contact Miranda Ashwood on 01306 713127 or email . Tickets are £5 each, under 10’s are free (but will need a ticket too so we can monitor numbers on the night).

All proceeds from Capel’s Got Talent will go to Capel Friends of Guiding to support activities for its members.

Follow us on twitter @capelsgottalent and Facebook.

If there is anyone available to lend a hand at the set up or packing away, extra pairs of hands would be gratefully received, even for half an hour! Please let us know if you would be available either Saturday between 5:30pm – 7pm or Sunday morning between 8am – 10am. Contacts as above.