
The Latest News From Around Capel

December 2022 Garden Tips

Garden notes for December 2022

If you are given a flowering bulb such as hyacinths, daffodils or tulips at Christmas, they will probably have been forced to flower early. They will last well if they are kept in a room that is not too hot, and the soil is kept moist. Plant the bulbs out in the garden when the flowers have died. I have done this with hyacinths and get a lovely spring display, although it can take a couple of seasons for the bulbs to adjust to their new location and may not flower again until the following year, so be patient.

The garden becomes much quieter in December, giving you a chance to tackle some of those jobs that get overlooked in busier times. So, trees and shrubs that obstruct pathways can be pruned back into shape, and make it easier to get access. Ditches, gulleys and drains should be cleaned out and kept clear thus preventing a build up of surface water during periods of heavy rainfall.

When cutting evergreens for Christmas decoration use a sharp pair of secateurs and regard it as a pruning exercise as much as getting it for the house. Cut the pieces here and there where they will not be missed, or go the whole hog and cut the plant to shape for the spring. Remember the advice given by Jean Tanner at her talk before the 2022 AGM and clean the secateurs before putting them away after use. This will stop the bacterial and fungal diseases from pruned trees and shrubs being transferred when you use them again – probably on your rose bushes.

If you are lucky enough to have a greenhouse vine, they should be pruned towards the end of the month. All side-growths should be cut back to two buds. The spurs carrying these shortened growths should be well spaced apart, at least 40 to 50 cm apart on the main rod so that overcrowding in summer is minimised.

Look out for new varieties and novelties that might be interesting. Kings Seeds have introduced a new sweet pea variety named after the garden writer and broadcaster Peter Seabrook. It is deep maroon large flowered Spencer type called ‘Seabrook’s Fantasia’. DT Brown are selling a new carrot called ‘Carrot Topweight’ which is a maincrop carrot, extremely reliable and resistant to bolting.

In order to have some early shoots of mint, now is the time to lift a few roots and put them in a fairly deep seed box and cover with potting soil. Put it in a frame or the greenhouse, and you will have nice shoots in a few weeks, when everything else is still asleep in the garden.

In the last week of the month give some time to plan for the year ahead.

May you all have a peaceful and very happy Christmas.



The post December 2022 Garden Tips appeared first on Capel Horticultural Society.

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