
The Latest News From Around Capel

News From Scott-Broadwood C Of E Infant School – July 2013

As we come to the end of the school year, we are approaching a time of great change at Scott-Broadwood. This summer we will be saying farewell to two very long-serving members of staff; both Mrs Rice and Mrs Butcher will be retiring and we wish them long, relaxing and fun retirements.

Mrs Rice joined the school in 1996 and since that time has taught in our Reception and Year 1 class at the Ockley base. I’m sure every child who has been in her class has a particular memory of that time. I will always remember her delight when a child first writes their name, or joins in an activity with other children; such important milestones for all children in their first year at school. Mrs Rice has seen great periods of change during her time with us, particularly the new classrooms being built. Her legacy will live on at Scott-Broadwood for many years to come, and we particularly thank her for her leadership of the ‘Early Year’ and the Ockley base during her time.

Mrs Butcher joined the school in 1985 and during tose 28 years she has always been part of our admin team, and has supervised the children at lunchtime. She has encouraged children to leave their parents happily in the mornings, and looked after children who are not feeling well or who have fallen over. Behind the scenes, Mrs Butcher has organised many aspects of school finances, most recently the ‘school fund’, making sure that all visits and extra activities are paid for, and that ther is enough money to pay for those little extras. Mrs Butcher has also been a greatly-valued listening and supportive ear to parents for a whole generation of children coming to the school.

It is almost impossible to imagine the school without Mrs Butcher and Mrs Rice, as they have both made a huge contribution to school life. Both are great friends to many members of staff and we will miss them in September. In honour of their retirements, we will be holding a day of celebrations on Tuesday, 23rd July. Any former staff, governor, parent or pupil are invited to come to wish them well, between 4 and 5:30pm at the Ockley base. Please phone the Capel base (01306 711171) or email if you are planning to attend.

Just before half term we had our Ofsted Inspection and I am delighted to be able to announce that the inspection team judged Scott-Broadwod as a Good School in all areas. This is a great reflection of the hard work and dedication of the children, staff, governors, parents and volunteers, who make our school such a wonderful place.

Rebecca Bacon, Head Teacher

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