
The Latest News From Around Capel

A “Great Big” Thank You

This is a “Great Big” thank you to everyone for supporting the Capel Music Festival 2014!

Without the help of dozens of volunteers, local businesses, stall holders, sponsors, advertisers and many more people who gave their time, skills and resources for free or at minimal cost, this event could not happen.

We are delighted to announce that this year we raised a massive £7,300. 

The main CMF charity, The Amber Foundation have received a donation of £5,000 and the remains funds will provide support to many other local charities, yet to be decided. The CMF are particularly grateful to the Dorking Advertiser who were the media sponsor again this year and were very generous in providing regular coverage of all actives and events associated with the Festival.

The Capel Music Festival is a fantastic and fun way for our community to work together and support and make a difference to all sorts of worthy causes. If you feel you are a worthy cause and have a particular project you need money for please contact Emma, details below to make an application. If you would like to get involved in future events please contact us via Emma Jaques, we would love to hear from you. Emma can be contacted via

Emma Jaques.

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