
The Latest News From Around Capel

Animals Galore at Scott-Broadwood!

The topic for our children is The Carnival of the Animals and they have been thinking particularly about animals that can be found in tropical rainforests and the habitats they live in; comparing them to animals they might see in Surrey. They have also been thinking about the different weather in both places – lots of rain in the rainforests, but at least it is warm rain!

We have welcomed 2 wonderful groups of children into our Reception classes and they have been learning about themselves and their families. Skeletons have been studied and made out of straws and the children enjoy sharing information about their families and where they live.

Starting school in September 2015? Scott-Broadwood is an excellent place for children to begin their school experience. We have bases in both Ockley and Capel, both with well used outside areas (Our children love to learn outside, come rain or shine!) and dedicated staff who provide rich and stimulating learning experiences within a nurturing environment.

If your child is due to start school in September 2015, (born between 1 Sept 2010 and 31 Aug 2011) please come along to see our school in action at one of our Open Sessions:

Tuesday 4th Nov between 9:30 and 11:30am at Ockley base (Headteacher talk at 10.00 and 11.00).

Thursday 6th Nov between 9:30 and 11.30am at Capel base (Headteacher talk at 10.00 and 11.00).

Or Thursday 13th Nov at 7:00pm at Capel (but for those interested in either Ockley or Capel bases).

We look forward to meeting you soon.

Susan Muat

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