
The Latest News From Around Capel

Capel Men’s Group

The Capel Men’s Group has been meeting in Capel for the last 30 years. We meet 7 times a year to enjoy a variety of activities which including listening to interesting speakers, eating good food, enjoying a summer BBQ, and last but not least, getting together with friends and having a drink together. Our normal meetings start with a dinner together followed by a speaker and discussion. We currently meet at the Duke’s Head. Our speakers are varied, some with local topics and others more general, for example our talk in February will be on Capel history and in March, tower Bridge London. The main purpose of the Capel Men’s Group is to promote a sense of community within the men of the village, to enjoy each other’s company and at the same time to support local charities and good causes such as the Capel Almshouses, Capel Youth Club and the Capel Brownies. Wives and partners are invited to two of our events each year, the summer BBQ and the January Ladies night. New members are always welcome. Please call David Steel on 01306711711 if you would like to know more about the Capel Men’s Group or are interested in becoming a member.

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