
The Latest News From Around Capel

Capel Music Festival 2014


The Capel Music Festival 2014 will be on Sunday 17th August this year, from noon until 7:30pm at Capel Recreation Ground. You can look forward to a mixture of music and entertainment including confirmed bands The Prognosis, ERIKA, Sweet Revenge and The Soulcatx. Please see our website for further details.

If you can spare an hour of your time on the day to work at the bar or as a steward please contact Emma Jaques on 07715 475779

As well as local charities, this year the main charity we will be supporting are amber based just outside Ockley. It is an active and accommodating residential centre helping disadvantaged 17-30 year olds. amber provides 24 hour care and support every day opt the year for young homeless people; many have a history of addiction or have been involved in crime or have been in prison. It provides young people with a challenging and engaging step-by-step rebuilding process designed to help them overcome each of the obstacles that have previously stood between them and independent living. working in teams they experience positive peer support and feel valued and motivated. There are many opportunities at Amber that can include art, crafts, music, drama and sport. Everyone is encouraged to set their own goals and work to achieve them and they begin to realise that with work, commitment, enthusiasm and determination, they can achieve.

CMF Team. 

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