
The Latest News From Around Capel

Capel W.I – Meeting on 22nd July

Our speaker this evening was Ann Meadows of NAFAS Surrey Area.

Ann started off the ‘Summer Bounty’ talk by showing us how to arrange flowers of all different colours of the spectrum in a large wicker basket. It was absolutely stunning. She explained that she plans the colours, flowers and containers before an evening like ours and gave us various advice and pointers along the way. By now our ladies were enthralled and when she finished with placing several beautiful yellow roses in the display, everyone couldn’t help but gasp. The second arrangement was based on greenery and finishing with the most delicate calla lilies.

Ann showed us how to arrange flowers in a white English basket using hosta leaves, several varieties of greenery and Ethiopian roses, called ‘Belle’. Simply beautiful!

After enjoying a cup of tea and a slice of cake Ann very kindly judged flower arrangements brought in by our members and then her gorgeous baskets were raffled to our members, much to their delight.

Sue Falvey

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