
The Latest News From Around Capel

Children’s Society Coffee Morning Thank You!

Thank you to everyone who came along to the church on Saturday 22nd November to the Children’s Society coffee morning and Traidcraft sale. We raised a total of nearly £500 from christmas card sales and refreshments for the Children’s Society and Sue Partridge’s Traidcraft stall raised approximately £80 which was also a good result. Suzanne would like to thank her hard working band of helpers – Joy, Betty, Jessie, Wendy and Liz, without whom it would not have been possible. We are all very grateful to everyone who gave up some of their weekend, to come along and help us raise money for a very worthy cause. If anyone would like to keep a collecting box at home please speak to Suzanne. Our next event in aid of the Children’s Society is Christingle on Sunday 1st February at lOam. We are hoping to have a speaker from The Children’s Society at the service to tell us how our fundraising money is spent and on the important work that the Society does. Anyone who has collecting boxes at home-these need to be gathered in for counting during January 2015.Please contact Suzanne Cole if you need her to pick yours up. Thank you again to those who came and made the fund raiser a success. Suzanne Cole 01306 71 1449 or email SC

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