The Parish Council submitted a formal representation in response to the ‘London Air Space Change – Gatwick Local Area Consultation’ for the Gatwick Airport Flight Paths.
Since making the submission it has become clear that the routing which is causing a significant detrimental effect on our lives, was implemented by the Civil Aviation Authority without consultation (in November 2013) applying what is known as Performance Based Navigation (PBN) Standard.
In September 2014 the responsible department for UK Airspace Policy at the Department for Transport confirmed in writing that this routing is intended to be applied on a permanent basis following a 1 year trial.
One of the requirements of the implementation of what is known as Route 4 was for Gatwick Airport Limited to consult on the change to the associated NPR for the Noise Preferential Route within one year of the guidance published by the civil Aviation Authority, which was issued in January 2014.
While Gatwick Airport Limited may be required to consult it has now been evidenced by the Department for Transport that the power to revoke the routing lies wholly within the remit of COA and NATS.
In the consultations that are taking place with GAL relating to both the second runway and air space, it is clear that their consultations are ‘not fit for purpose’. As such it is imperative that you should be writing to the Chair of the Civil Aviation Authority, Dame Deirdre Hutton and the Secretary of State for Transport requiring the following courses of action.
Firstly, that the CAA revoke the introduction of the route 4 design (the Noise Preferential Route). There is a very sound reason for this. The decision to implement the routing was taken without any form of public consultation. Accordingly, the principal of democratic participation in the decision process has not been applied, a course of action advocated by this Government.
Secondly, no regard was had to the consequences of this narrow routing alignment now being adopted by all flights departing to the west out of Gatwick, who then follow the Lambourne route. The routes now being adopted offer minimum relief. Not only is the routing narrow and defined but it is also clear that the height of the aircraft now passing over the villages is significantly lower than that previously adopted.
The third point of significant importance is that the argument being promoted by the Gatwick users is that NPR has no flexibility in its application due to the complexities of modern aircraft design, that is clearly nonsense and does not stand up to any argument. The sole reason is one of profitability which, in turn totally disregards and is disingenuous to us as a community.
Course of Action
We therefore invite and encourage you to write directly to the Department for Transport and Civil Aviation Authority stressing the importance of the points identified and seeking without the need for us to resort to the Courts for a Statutory Review for the trial period to be one of consultation only and subject to a formal public, democratic consultation prior to any final decision which will impact upon us all for the foreseeable future.
The addresses are:- Mrs Anne Weston, UK Airspace Policy
Dame Deirdre Hutton, Chair, Department for Transport,
Civil Aviation Authority Zone 1/26, Great Minster House
33 Horseferry Road
London SW1P 4DR
Tel: 0300 330 3000
Cc to County Councillor Helyn Clack in your response. E:mail
Please respond without delay as the decisions affecting the air space will have a direct affect upon you and your future enjoyment of this idyllic rural community