
The Latest News From Around Capel

The latest from Gatwick Airport Conservation Campaign

The maps, recently published by GACC, showing the probable new flight paths if there were to be a new runway at Gatwick have caused widespread consternation. GACC has received many enquiries from councils surprised that their areas are likely to be affected. These include anxious queries from people who live in Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) which surround Gatwick on three sides.

These areas are recognised nationally as places of beauty and peace and are visited by over a million people each year in search of quiet relaxation. All the AONBs are on high ground and therefore the impact of aircraft noise is greater eg Leith Hill.

When Gatwick Airport claim that ‘only’ 29,000 people would be affected by noise from a new runway, and that this fewer than at Heathrow, they ignore the impact on the million or so people who enjoy the peace of the AONBs.

Stuart McLauchlan writes for Coldharbour: “People visit the Surrey Hills AONB because of the stunning, unspoilt countryside within easy reach of London. There are many notable attractions such as Leith Hill Tower with its famous view of 13 counties, the Rhododendron Woods of Leith Hill Place, the recently restored Holmbury ancient monument and hundreds of miles of footpaths and bridleways winding their way through this beautiful land. These visits are enhanced by the peace and tranquility of the AONB which would be shattered if the Gatwick take-of route from the new runway was routed directly overhead”

It is up to Gatwick Airport Ltd in conjunction with National Air Traffic Services (NATS) to publish more accurate maps of the proposed routes so that the public can be aware of the probable consequences of a new runway.

The Parish Council will be discussing the latest information available on the proposed new routes at their meeting in September with more information available regarding this in August.

Jackie Coke, Clerk to the Council 01306 712447

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