
The Latest News From Around Capel

Capel Parish Council Notes For May

Good news for everyone in Capel who uses the pub and has been concerned about its future. The Area Manager has confirmed that the pub will be closing for refurbishment the second week of July and will open again some time in August. The work will involve a new kitchen and improvements both inside and outside, including the garden area. When it reopens there will be a full food menu and full offering of ales and drinks. The pub is being taken into the fully managed estate of punch Taverns and a new Manager will be running the pub when it reopens.

The Parish Council is currently investigating the possibility of installing a CCTV camera at Capel playground which was set on fire recently for the second time. It is very expensive to repair the safety surface and although insurance covers most of the cost there is still an excess to pay from Parish funds.

Traffic aiming is still on the agenda and professional advice is currently under consideration to help the Parish Council decide what can be done to make the roads safer in the villages.

Mrs Lesley Bignell

Clerk to Capel Parish Council

01306 712447

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