Capel Sports Pavilion

Lots has been going on quietly behind the scenes as the pavilion project moves forward. Our in house fundraising has now gone past £20,000 and is fast approaching £@5,000. We have also now achieved charitable status and HMRC has recognised this which means we can now apply for gift aid on individual donations which is a real boost. In addition to this we have signed a long-term lease on the building which is a key factor for grant applications.

The Pavillion Trustees have held their first meeting and committees set up for both the Management of th e Building and another for the Building project. the next step on the building project is to survey to the rec to put together a plan to ensure everything is located in the right place and to look at how we can get a top class football pitch and training areas for all sports. Our view is there is no point having a fantastic pavilion if the playing facilities don’t match it.

We are looking for someone to identify and facilitate Grant Applications. If there is anyone in the village with experience in this or who is full of enthusiasm and wants to join us and help out then please let me know.

We are running a race night jointly with the Youth Club on Saturday 27th February so please put that in your diary. if anyone would like to sponsor the evening or a race or buy a horse please let me know.

Anthony Birch 712696