Capel Cricket Club

By the time you read this hopefully the rain will have stopped and the ground dried out a bit. The Cricket Club are looking forward to the season so why not come along and have a look.

Social Membership is available at just £5.00 per person. The Bar is always open on a Friday evening and on Saturdays. Other nights dependent on games being played.

If you fancy a game please pop along. Adult training is on Wednesday evenings out on the rec.

We are running youth teams from Under 8 right through to under 14. Please let me know if you have a child who is interested or if you want to help out. Please contact me on 07841 373198.

Finally some dates for your diary:

  • Dine & Bingo is on the Village Hall every 2nd Tuesday of each month from 7pm.
  • Village Barn Dance in the Marquee after the Village Show on Saturday 20th August.
  • Capel’s Got Talent on Saturday 17th September in the Village Hall.

Capel Sports Pavillion

The recent race night done in conjunction with the Youth Club was a great success with £3,700 raised. Thanks to all who attended and our sponsors.

Upcoming events:

Tuesday  12th April: Dine and Bingo in the Village Hall from 7:00 Entry is £I0.00 which includes all your Bingo plus a meal. We have room for a few more attendees and you could win cash prizes. Simply turn up on the night.

Saturday  20th August: We have arranged for a Barn Dance in the Evening in the Marquee after the Flower Show I Classic Car Show. The Band D’Arcy Spice are booked to entertain us and I will try and publish Ticket Details in next month’s Magazine.

Saturday  17th September: Capel’s Got  Talent will be held in the village hall. Again we are looking for acts and I will publish ticket details hopefully next month.

The Cricket Club Bar will be open most Friday’s, Saturday’s and Sunday’s. Please pop in if you fancy a drink and to watch some sport. Social and Playing Membership is available.


Capel Sports Pavilion

Lots has been going on quietly behind the scenes as the pavilion project moves forward. Our in house fundraising has now gone past £20,000 and is fast approaching £@5,000. We have also now achieved charitable status and HMRC has recognised this which means we can now apply for gift aid on individual donations which is a real boost. In addition to this we have signed a long-term lease on the building which is a key factor for grant applications.

The Pavillion Trustees have held their first meeting and committees set up for both the Management of th e Building and another for the Building project. the next step on the building project is to survey to the rec to put together a plan to ensure everything is located in the right place and to look at how we can get a top class football pitch and training areas for all sports. Our view is there is no point having a fantastic pavilion if the playing facilities don’t match it.

We are looking for someone to identify and facilitate Grant Applications. If there is anyone in the village with experience in this or who is full of enthusiasm and wants to join us and help out then please let me know.

We are running a race night jointly with the Youth Club on Saturday 27th February so please put that in your diary. if anyone would like to sponsor the evening or a race or buy a horse please let me know.

Anthony Birch 712696

New Year’s Eve Disco

Capel Cricket Club & Capel Football Club are holding a join New Year’s Eve Party in the Village Hall with funds going towards the New Sports Pavillion Fund.

Bring your own Food and drink and even the kids. Cost is £10 per adult with under 16s free. There will be films for the kids to watch which will allow the parents to party undisturbed!

Tickets are available from Ali Hayes Markham on 07976985329

Anthony Birch

Capel Stoolball Club

The Stoolballers and friends will be serving a Spring lunch in the Capel Memorial hall. Roast Lamb and a veggie option, plus an array of puddings. Thursday March 5th starts at 12:30pm. Do come and enjoy the food and the company, donations are requested and any profit will be donated to the Evelina Children’s Hospital.

Capel Sports Pavillion

It has been another busy month with lots of meeting and planning for fundraising events etc. Good news is that we received confirmation of another grand which was for £3,000. We have 3 or 4 more currently either in waiting a decision or about to be submitted.

We have also continued with our In-House Fundraising including a World Cup Competition and more Car Washing. Thanks to those who have brought their cars for a clean. the next Car Wash is on Saturday 2nd August from 10:00 to 12:00 so p[lease come and see us. Donations from £5.00 per car.

Events planned in August include:

Men v Women Cricket Game Friday 1st August, Bar and Food available and the Old Village Stocks coming back into use.

Flower Show – We are having a stand with some games and also will be showing off concept floor plans and happy to discuss the scheme.

BBQ – We are running the BBQ both on Saturday and Sunday for the Big Weekend.

We also have a Race Night in the village hall booked for 8th November so I will post more on that nearer the time.

Anthony Birch 


Capel Cricket Club

The Cricket Club have got off to a flying start both on and off the field. The first game of the season was won by the Under 9’s team, winning the Club’s opening game against Horsley and the 1st team also having a big win later that day.

The social side is going very well and the bar is serving a lot of drinking as is the kitchen with food. Our Annual Colts Tournament is on the Rec on Sunday 15th June and we hope it will be as successful as ever.

Please pop down to the club if you want to play, have a child that wants to play, or just fancy a beer.

Anthony Birch

Capel Football Club

We are approaching the end of a season badly disrupted by the weather. Our 1st X1 reached the Chichester Charity Cup Quarter Finals only to lose narrowly in extra time and are challenging for promotion but look as though they may just miss out. The Reserves reached the semi finals of their league cup only to lose a tight game 1-0 to Ajax (no not the dutch masters but a team from Bognor) ad have clinched promotion and are challenging for the championship. We offer football and truing for several players 16 and over and are in the highly competitive West Sussex Football League which is expertly run and of a high standard. We will be on the look out soon for players for next season.

As with the club we rely on a dedicated band of officers to run the club and provide the framework for the players. Unfortunately our secretary Penny Gregg is having to relinquish her post because of family commitments after several years of loyal service. We are on the lookout for a new secretary, it is an interesting and rewarding role, although a voluntary position reasonable expenses incurred our paid and all training will be given. If interested please contact Chris Anderson on 01306 711080 to discuss and hopefully become part of our footballing family.

Chris Anderson

Sports Club Redevelopment

Capel Cricket and Football club are current exploring options to redevelop the facilities on the rec. The pavilion is looking very tired and currently does not meet most requirements. With nearly 100 colts involved in the cricket club, the building also does not have the required floor plan dimensions.

A grant has already been successfully secured in the sum of £50,000 and a Steering Group involving members from the Cricket and Football Clubs has been set up to look into the various possibilities and options. this will be done in phases with the first one likely to involve a new garage being constructed, to house the ever-growing amount of ground maintenance equipment and also to free up some space.

We will keep everyone posted as things move along and there will be lots of fund raising events and requests for donations in the coming months.

If you have any questions at this early stage please feel free to contact me at or visit the club during the Cricket Season as I can normally be found up there. Of course if anyone wants to offer help or get involved then again we would love to hear from you.

Anthony Birch

Capel Cricket Club

The rain seems to have finally relented and the ground drying out which means the Cricket Season is upon us.

We are expecting a very busy season with 3 adult league sides (2 on Saturdays and 1 Sunday Side), 5 Junior League teams at ages from Under 9 to Under 15, a progression side (older colts mixing in with adults to play similar sides on a Friday evening) and of course our very popular Kindergarten providing training for little ones who are either in Reception, Year 1 or 2 who meet at the rec on Sunday Mornings.

Please pop along if you are interested in playing or just want to be part of a fantastic club. The bar is open to social members and we are an inclusive club so feel free to come and have a pint or glass of wine etc.

Anthony Birch