Gatwick Consultation – Gatwick Airport Second Runway

The Parish Council hopes that everyone will find the time to respond to the Consultation Document -‘Gatwick Airport Second Runway’, and that they will also encourage friends and neighbours to respond.

A second runway at Gatwick would devastate this area as we know it today and would leave very little open countryside between here and Dorking.

The following notes are taken from a meeting of the Council earlier in November and will form the basis of the Parish Council response to be submitted at the end of January 201 S. Please refer to the Parish Council website at for further documents which will be published in early January (GACC response) and Mole Valley District Council’s response around January 22nd. Responding to Consultation Document on Gatwick Airport Second Runway

Document available at:

  1. Respond to the Question: Must address the Q. but possible to add comments
  2. Give a clear NO to Gatwtck Airport option
  3. Clear YES to H’row but to not argue which of H/row options ~ let others decide.
  4. Focus on airport option, not other issues.
  5. Be proactive and take a positive view

Gatwick Masterplan does not show the Crawley North East Sector -1,900 houses for 6,000 people plus schools, other employment areas and open spaces within 600m of the proposed runway. Development is already implemented.

Para.3.5 pg.37 -total of 168 residential properties He within airport land take and are likely to need to be demolished …..

Loss of GBelt land … Redhill Aerodrome court decision Oct 2014 GB loss not supported Rara.3.9 pg 38 ‘requirement’ …. Will lead to impact on rural road network

Para. 3.18 pgA I -competition .. why should we be part of a process to enhance competition. Para.3.20 pg 41 -Cargo Growth to 1m metric tons


GAL (Gatwick Airport Ltd) say 122,000 new jobs -this equates to 30,000+ new homes + new homes in the countryside

HEATHROW can meet this provision from brown field sites (a big plus for H/R) HEATHROW links-benefits:

  • Cross rail
  • HR2
  • Motorway network
  • Links from regional airports
  • National Rail network
  • Minimal impact on rural roads

Gatwick requires enhancements to: M23/M2S

North to London is single carriageway after M23/25 junction & cannot be improved Upgrade rail links

Not benefitting from National networks

Not realistic

Environment : Air quality: Noise : Impact on living conditions of the community.

Impact on schools

Minimal impact from HEATHROW proposals

Regional hubs support HEATHROW : (Aberdeen, Glasgow. Leeds, Liverpool, Newcastle) MANCHESTER Airport outraged that there is nothing for the north

Compare Pros and Cons

No legal obligation on GAL to refund Council tax – a false promise and impossible to calculate. Compensation is rubbish.

Gatwick interested in added value in order to dispose of-just for profit Financial viability figures are lacking -they say it is commercially sensitive Add to the issues missing: transparency, implementation, achieving their aims.

Proposals would make Gatwick larger than HEATH ROW

HEATHROW already has better rail and road infrastructure & employment.

Major stacking would occur over Gatwick

GATWICK AIRPORTS LIMITED is highly commercial opportunity, their views are only monetary Protest meeting about PRNAV with planes taking off at 56 second intervals

No space to create more rail or roads at Gatwick

Extending H/row runway is sensible

Many businesses I companies support H/row

Write to other MVDC Councillors + Reigate & Banstead


Capel Parish Council formal response ready for approval Monday Jan 19th 2015 PC meeting.

In the interim the Parish Council is keen to hear the views of the community. Please let us know what your views are.

Persuade other counties to fight against – approach schools

There are several ways to respond to the Commissions consultation:

  • answer the Commission’s questions via an onHne form;
  • download the question and response form from the website and emailing your responses;
  • print off the question and response form from the website and post in your responses to a freepost address.
  • Email in stand-alone responses;
  • Mail standalone responses to a freepost address

The online form can be accessed at: Half completed forms Can be saved and returned to at any point. You may wish to compose answers offline, and then copy and paste them into the form

Responses should be

Responses should be posted to :-

Airports Commission Consultation


PO Box 1492. WOKING. G22 2QR.

The consultation runs until Thursday 3rd February 2015

Gatwick Aiport

Gatwick Airport Ltd (GAL) has recently formally told the Airports Commission that it Wishes to build a second runway;

Has said that it is concentrating on the area between the airport and Crawley;

Has announced that it is examining a close parallel runway. ora staggered runway, or a Wide-spaced runway;

Has told Parliament that it envisages Gatwick ultimately becoming larger than Heathrow;

Has allocated £10 million in the next two years to develop its runway plans;

Has commissioned two high-powered London PR companies to sell the runway plans nationally and locally.

The Commission, which has the task of deciding whether the UK needs a bigger hub airport, and whether a new runway is needed in South East England, is proceeding methodically and has set Out its programme leading up to its final report in summer 2015.

Outline plans for new runways have to be submitted to the Commission by 19 July 201 3. GAL has promised to consult ‘stakeholders’ on their new runway plans but itis not yet known whether this will be before or after submitting them. There will also be an opportunity for comments. on the plans to be sent direct to the Commission. Later this year there are due to be more discussion documents on hub airports. and on the environment.

In December the Commission is required to produce an interim report. Thls will contain proposals for short-termactlcn to improve capacity of existing runways. It wit! also contain a short-list of proposals for new runways to be taken forward for firrtherconslderaticntn 2014.

It is probable that on the list will be: a new runway (or runways) at Heathrow, a new runway at Gatwick.a new runway at Stansted, and a new airport in the Thames Estuary. At Heathrow new proposals have recently been put forward for extendIng the airport westwards over the M25. During the course of 20 14 the Commission will be assessing the merits and demerits of each of the sites on the short-list. Local authorities will need to ensure that an the facts available to the Commission are up-to-date. For example. Crawley will need to remind them of the 2,000 new houses being built close to the end of a possible runway.

There is no sign that the Commission is intending to seek the views of the public or of local councils on the broad issue of whether they are for or against a new runway. But the county and district councils around Gatwick may wish to undertake research. either individually or jointly. into speciflc aspects. For example:

  • whether the new flight paths would go over Horsharn; or over Dorking, or over Reigate. or over East Grinstead;
  • what would be the impact of 40.000 neW jobs in the Gatwick area? i + what would be the impact on housing. schools and hospitals?
  • could the local roads cope?
  • how much countryside would be left?

Finally, in summer 2015 after the next election, the Commission is due to produce its recornrnendatlons for when and where new runways shou.ld be built. When (before July 19) GAL produce their plans for possible locations for a new runway at Gatwick they will invite the views of local councils. The Parish Council has it on good authority that should a second runway be built between the Airport and Crawley the amount of air traffic noise experienced over Capel would double over what it is today.

Jackie Coke, Clerk to the Council 01306 – 712447