
The Latest News From Around Capel

The Studio ADHD Centre

As you may know, I am the Chairperson of The Studio ADHD Centre, a charity based in Capel. The Studio provides a unique relaxed environment for children and young adults who have Attention Deficit Disorder and Asperger’s Syndrome. The work of the Centre includes individual counseling sessions for young people, parents, partners and siblings.

Its work sometimes includes crisis intervention and advocacy with child protection, criminal justice and family issues.

As part of the necessary fund raising for the Studio, I will once again be running a tombola stall at this year’s Capel Music Festival and I would welcome any items you can spare. The tombola stall will have all types of prize so anything you are prepared to donate will be most acceptable, absolutely anything.

In addition there will be a raffle and I intent making up a mixed hamper as a prize (mostly food/drink related but nothing ruled in or out), anything that would be suitable to fill that would be most welcome.

Jane Chilvers

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